Thank you for choosing HEB! We appreciate the opportunity to serve you and hope that your playing experience is enjoyable.
Golfers are personally responsible for any and all damage caused from errant, negligent shots to people, homes and property!
The Rules of Golf as approved by the USGA and The R&A govern all play, except where modified by Local Rules.
- Proper golf attire is required on the course and practice facilities.
- All players must have their own set of golf clubs.
- Out of bounds and property lines are defined by white stakes
- Alternative to Stroke and Distance for Lost Ball or Ball Out of Bounds: USGA Model Local Rule E-5 is adopted in its entirety. The following is a synopsis:
- When you have not played a provisional ball and your ball is not found or is virtually certain to be out of bounds, you may, for a penalty of two strokes, drop with a Relief Area.
- The Relief Area is the area between a line from the hole through where your ball is estimated to be lost or go out of bounds and a line from the hole through the nearest point of the fairway, but no closer to the hole.
- See USGA Model Local Rule E-5 for a more complete definition of the relief area.
- Alternative to Stroke and Distance for Lost Ball or Ball Out of Bounds: USGA Model Local Rule E-5 is adopted in its entirety. The following is a synopsis:
- Penalty areas are defined by red and yellow stakes.
- Provisional Ball for Ball in Penalty Area: USGA Model Local Rule B-3 is adopted in its entirey for holes 3 and 16. The following is a synopsis:
- If a player does not know whether their ball is in the penalty area, the player may play a provisional ball.
- When the original ball is found in the penalty area, the player may choose either to continue to play the original ball as it lies in the penalty area, in which case the provisional ball must not be played, or continue to play the provisional ball in which case the original ball must not be played.
- If the original ball is not found within the three-minute search period or is known or virtually certain to be in the penalty area the provisional ball becomes the player’s ball in play.
- See USGA Model Local Rule B-3 for a more complete definition of this local rule.
- If a player does not know whether their ball is in the penalty area, the player may play a provisional ball.
- Provisional Ball for Ball in Penalty Area: USGA Model Local Rule B-3 is adopted in its entirey for holes 3 and 16. The following is a synopsis:
- Drop Zones on holes 12 and 15 : Model Local Rule E-1.1
- If a player’s ball is in the penalty area, including when it is known or virtually certain to be in that penalty area even though not found, the player has these relief options, each for a one penalty stroke:
- The player may take relief under Rule 17.1, or
- As an extra option, the player may drop the original ball or another ball in the dropping zone. The dropping zone is a relief area under Rule 14.3.
- If a player’s ball is in the penalty area, including when it is known or virtually certain to be in that penalty area even though not found, the player has these relief options, each for a one penalty stroke:
Golf Course Etiquette and Conduct Expectations
- HEB’s Pace of Play is 4 hours and 21 minutes or less for 18 holes. Please be aware of your position on the course.
Respect the Course:
- Fill your divots and repair your ball marks on the greens. Rake after bunker use.
- No cart may be closer than 30 feet of the green or 15 feet of a bunker.
- Carts are not allowed in the native grass and must stay on the paths around tees, green and all par 3’s.
- Report any accidents with golf carts ot the pro shop immediately.
- Carts must be driven in a safe and responsible manner at all times.
Respect your fellow players and Club employees:
- Do not hit into other players and apologize should it happen accidentally.
- You are essentially in the back yards of our residents – improper behavior and language will not be tolerated.
- Follow any instructions that a course starter or marshal may give to you.
- Any player not following our expectations will be given a verbal warning by pro shop staff with the option of removal from the course depending on the severity of the issue and if previous verbal warnings were given.
- Residents are encouraged to spot any violations of the rules and report them along with photos to the pro shop.
Have fun and enjoy our beautiful golf course!